Zero Hunger Coalition side-event

Join us @ UNFSS 2023

25 July 2023

Our food system is in crisis. According to the recently published State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World an estimated 735 million people suffer from hunger. This is 122 million more than the levels from 2019 as we continue to recover from the ravages of a global pandemic, extreme weather events and impact of the Ukraine war on food supplies.  

The current situation requires both emergency humanitarian relief and investment in long-term food system transformation. A holistic approach is needed that can tackle the trade-offs between resilience to climate change, improved nutrition and ending hunger. However, doing so will require coordinated action, evidence-based solutions and sufficient resources. 

Join us at the UNFSS+2 

In an official side-event at the UN Food System Summit +2 Stocktaking Moment (UNFSS+2), Achieving sustainable food systems in a time of multiple crises: a new global roadmap, organised by the Government of Malawi, the Zero Hunger Coalition and its partners will present its recent achievements and present a visionary roadmap for the future.  

Speakers will present the evidence-based and costed roadmaps developed by the Zero Hunger Coalition and their impact in countries. It will highlight the urgent need for coordinated efforts and position long-term investments as crucial in addressing hunger and improving food systems. 

The side-event will also serve as the official launch of Hesat2030. This is a global roadmap for the most effective ways, including a price tag, for how to end hunger sustainably, nutritiously, and equitably. The roadmap will deliver an integrated strategic vision where each intervention area contributes to specific objectives, based on its comparative advantages, but also delivers across targets by breaking silos and providing a portfolio of solutions. 

Speakers include: 

  • Harifidy Ramilison, Ministry of Agriculture & Livestock, Madagascar 

  • Felix Phiri, Dept of Nutrition, HIV and AIDS, Gov of Malawi 

  • Martin Hoppe, Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, Germany 

  • Asma Lateef, SDG2 Advocacy Hub 

  • Charles Gwengwe, World Vision Malawi 

  • Jaron Porciello, University of Notre Dame & Hesat2030 

  • David Laborde, Agrifood Economics Division, FAO 

  • Francine Picard Mukazi, Shamba Centre for Food & Climate and the Zero Hunger Coalition 

Further details 

The side-event Achieving sustainable food systems in a time of multiple crises: a new global roadmap, will take place on Tuesday, 25 July 2023, 13.30 - 14.30 CEST in the German room at the FAO headquarters. 

The side-event will also be live streamed:  


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